Kevin Jude Concessao
I am a PhD research scholar at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad.
Research Interests
- High Performance Computing - Graph Analytics
Ongoing Research Work
- Dynamic Graph Algorithms on GPUs
- Compiler for Temporal GNNs
Research Advisor
Dr. Unnikrishnan Cheramangalath
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Palakkad
- Code Tamper-Proofing using Dynamic Canaries, Rajesh Kumar Srivatsava, Kevin Jude Concessao, and Chittaranjan Hota, ‘
25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2019), IEEE ComSoc, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 2019. Scopus Indexed. IEEE Xplore.
Honors and Awards
- Prime Minister’s Research Fellow (PMRF May 2021 lateral entry scheme)
- Best Student Project citation award for my undergraduate thesis work on Static Reflection in C++ Compiler
by AMD India, Bangalore. The citation award carried a total sum amount of ₹25,000 (jointly awarded).
- Certificate of Appreciation for Exemplary Contribution to the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, by PES University, Bangalore.
Teaching Experience
- Teaching at NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad (May 2022 - )
- Teaching Assistant at a two day HPC workshop on using HPC clusters, OpenMP library,
and programming GPUs using the OpenMP library, organised by the National Supercomputing Mission, IIT Madras.
- Teaching Assistant for courses at IIT Palakkad:
- Compiler Design - Laboratory (Jan-May, 2023 & Jan-May, 2021)
- Programming Lab (Aug-Dec, 2022)
- Parallel Programming (Jan-May, 2022)
- Compiler Optimizations and Program Analysis (Aug-Dec, 2021)
- Ph.D Indian Institute of Technnology, Palakkad (2020 - )
- ME Computer Science - Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Hyderabad Campus (2018 - 2020)
- BTech Computer Science and Engineering - PES University, Bangalore (2014 - 2018)
- Advisor: Prof. NS Kumar
- Thesis: Static Reflection in C++ Compiler (Won ‘Best Student Project’ Award from AMD India, Bangalore)